Today I have so much on my mind, I cannot seem to even get it down. I've been sitting here thinking about which post to post, and it's all a big jumble!
I guess I'll go with the easiest, happiest - and that's about my baby girl - Avery!
She's just such a mess and she's growing like a weed and it's getting harder to keep up with her! She was hard to keep up with before, but this is different. She learns something new - like smart stuff new - each day! (I know I'm her mom and I'm supposed to think that, but seriously, she's too smart!)
Her first new thing..
Saying the sound "s". When she first started making things plural she would say "is" at the end of the word. For example... shoes would be shoe-is, or cups would be cup-is, or balls = ball-is. So one day she said something and I corrected her and said the word right - one time, just once... and since then she says all the words correctly! And she over does the "s" sound. It's really cute. She's very aware of it - doesn't get it wrong - ever and even when she says words like "yes" the "s" is VERY pronounced! It's too cute!
Another new thing... (this ones actually been going on a couple of months)
"I not wear dat!"
She's telling me she doesn't want to wear some of the cloths she has.
"I not yike (like) it."
OH MY GOODNESS - she's only 2 1/2 and already she's refusing to wear certain things.
I'm afraid we have a long road ahead of us! I'm worried that this will be the last year I can go consignment shopping without her for fear she won't wear the things I pick out!
If Luke can do it, I can too (even if she cannot!)!
But mostly she keeps up pretty well with him - in most areas! She's no slacker!
She leans back in her chair at the table. Yeah, she gets that from her Daddy (who reportedly did the same thing as a kid)! And yes, she has turned the chair over.
Twice to be exact.
Does she keep doing it?
When you ask her - "Is that dangerious? Could you fall over?"
But does she keep on...
She's one who's gonna have to learn things the hard way, and I'm afraid she won't learn the first time!
She's also going through a loving phase. She in general doesn't want to be held or rocked or anything like that anymore! Sad for Mommy! But lately - mostly in the morning when I go to get her, she's all about hugging me and letting me get some snuggles in! She's also started saying things like "I missed you when you were gone." and I think that's really sweet!
I just love that little girl and cannot believe how fast she's growing!
Some days I just wish she and Luke would both stay the age's they are right now! I love it (most of the time!) and am trying to enjoy each day with these fast growing kids!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What to do?
I don't know about you, but ever time I think things with the economy are getting better, I hear about or see some one else who lost a job, or is still looking for a job or who had some sort of big health issue and their medical benefits at their job have been chopped or cut completely off! What is going on?
It's sad, really.
In talking with David last evening about it, we said that having an education helps offer some security, but how can you anticipate "this type of economy," I asked?! I mean back when I started college - teaching was a very secure field. Yup, you wanna always have a job - become a teacher. Teachers are ALWAYS needed. And right now - all over the country - teachers are loosing their jobs just like everyone else! David pointed out that overall it's still a pretty secure field to be in, and he's right, but really... it's pretty scary for teachers (as well as everyone else out there) right now.
You may ask why this even matters to me, since I stay at home, but aside from the obvious - that my hubby runs his own business, a service based business, providing for other businesses (and Winslow System's success depends somewhat on the success of those other businesses!), and that many family and friends are "out there" in the work force and each day brings uncertainty for the future for all. It's concerning for all.
So along those lines... and combine with the fact that my oldest is starting school this year, there's been much thought and some talk about what I will do when both kids are in school?!?!!
I am not sure... but we've talked about several things from opening some sort of smoothie place to a whole range of things having to do with my "personal chef" stuff, weight loss stuff, and having a healthier family.
Who knows what it'll end up being... but it's been interesting to think about and talk about. As David says - right now we're just throwing ideas at the wall! We'll see what sticks!
It's sad, really.
In talking with David last evening about it, we said that having an education helps offer some security, but how can you anticipate "this type of economy," I asked?! I mean back when I started college - teaching was a very secure field. Yup, you wanna always have a job - become a teacher. Teachers are ALWAYS needed. And right now - all over the country - teachers are loosing their jobs just like everyone else! David pointed out that overall it's still a pretty secure field to be in, and he's right, but really... it's pretty scary for teachers (as well as everyone else out there) right now.
You may ask why this even matters to me, since I stay at home, but aside from the obvious - that my hubby runs his own business, a service based business, providing for other businesses (and Winslow System's success depends somewhat on the success of those other businesses!), and that many family and friends are "out there" in the work force and each day brings uncertainty for the future for all. It's concerning for all.
So along those lines... and combine with the fact that my oldest is starting school this year, there's been much thought and some talk about what I will do when both kids are in school?!?!!
I am not sure... but we've talked about several things from opening some sort of smoothie place to a whole range of things having to do with my "personal chef" stuff, weight loss stuff, and having a healthier family.
Who knows what it'll end up being... but it's been interesting to think about and talk about. As David says - right now we're just throwing ideas at the wall! We'll see what sticks!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Well we've been home since Friday afternoon, and can I tell ya - we had a great time at the lake!
It was a different kinda trip than it's been in the past. First, David was able to stay ALL WEEK LONG!!! In the past (and on most week long vacations) he comes home and works 2 or so days. Which in the past has worked fine, since Badin Lake is only about an hour or so from our house. But this year, he was able to work extra in advance and didn't have anything major break, so he stayed the whole week! It was great having him there!
Second, this year we got a good taste of what it's really like to own a place at the lake! Let me explain...
Upon arrival on Friday evening at about 6:30pm, we unloaded all our stuff (which is a ton, since I take all the food for the week) and got our butts down to the boat for a ride! The boat wouldn't crank. Sounded like a battery. So David quickly took it out and drove back into Denton (which is the closest thing resembling a town near the house) where they have put in an Advanced Auto. As we suspected - dead battery, so David got a new one, put it in and we went for a ride! Joy and bliss it was!
Saturday morning the kids were up by like 6:30AM and believe it or not, we were out on the boat at like 7:30AM. Again - joy and bliss. We played around most of the morning and came in at lunch time for grub and rest. At about 3 or so it started storming... this lasted until about 7:30 or 8 PM. After the rain, we took our friends the Bartlett's out for a boat ride. They arrived just as the rain started so this was their only chance to be on the lake. Boat worked great!
Sunday morning... we go out for our morning boat ride... and the boat won't start again. Except this time it doesn't sound like a dead battery, it sounds more like a starter. But since it's Sunday - nothing to be done about that. No big deal. We get out the Sea Doo and have a great day on the lake anyway!
Monday - we wait for someone to come and look at the boat. But the place - as it turns out isn't open on Mondays! But that's OK, because that morning as the boat was being lowered a bit - the cable that holds the boat - snapped the back of the boat dropped into the lake. So to fix that David drove into High Point, got more cable and spent the afternoon fixing the boat lift. Fun, but not really joy and bliss. My goodness!!! Did we enjoy the lake on Monday anyway?? You bet we did!!
So Tuesday dawns with the hope of the mechanic getting there to fix the boat first thing in the morning. Well, by noon - nothing. Finally at about 4 on Tuesday afternoon the wonderful boat repair man came - said yup, it's the started. He happened to have one at his shop and we were good as gold to ride the boat again! Joy and bliss!
The rest of the week went great! Oh - except for when Avery pulled the plastic handle off the jet ski lift and dropped it into the lake while David was adjusting the boat lift and I was giving Luke a jet ski ride. All we heard was Avery saying "uh-oh!"
It was still fun, and I loved it and I love the lake and being together with friends and family! Here are just a few pictures!

It was a different kinda trip than it's been in the past. First, David was able to stay ALL WEEK LONG!!! In the past (and on most week long vacations) he comes home and works 2 or so days. Which in the past has worked fine, since Badin Lake is only about an hour or so from our house. But this year, he was able to work extra in advance and didn't have anything major break, so he stayed the whole week! It was great having him there!
Second, this year we got a good taste of what it's really like to own a place at the lake! Let me explain...
Upon arrival on Friday evening at about 6:30pm, we unloaded all our stuff (which is a ton, since I take all the food for the week) and got our butts down to the boat for a ride! The boat wouldn't crank. Sounded like a battery. So David quickly took it out and drove back into Denton (which is the closest thing resembling a town near the house) where they have put in an Advanced Auto. As we suspected - dead battery, so David got a new one, put it in and we went for a ride! Joy and bliss it was!
Saturday morning the kids were up by like 6:30AM and believe it or not, we were out on the boat at like 7:30AM. Again - joy and bliss. We played around most of the morning and came in at lunch time for grub and rest. At about 3 or so it started storming... this lasted until about 7:30 or 8 PM. After the rain, we took our friends the Bartlett's out for a boat ride. They arrived just as the rain started so this was their only chance to be on the lake. Boat worked great!
Sunday morning... we go out for our morning boat ride... and the boat won't start again. Except this time it doesn't sound like a dead battery, it sounds more like a starter. But since it's Sunday - nothing to be done about that. No big deal. We get out the Sea Doo and have a great day on the lake anyway!
Monday - we wait for someone to come and look at the boat. But the place - as it turns out isn't open on Mondays! But that's OK, because that morning as the boat was being lowered a bit - the cable that holds the boat - snapped the back of the boat dropped into the lake. So to fix that David drove into High Point, got more cable and spent the afternoon fixing the boat lift. Fun, but not really joy and bliss. My goodness!!! Did we enjoy the lake on Monday anyway?? You bet we did!!
So Tuesday dawns with the hope of the mechanic getting there to fix the boat first thing in the morning. Well, by noon - nothing. Finally at about 4 on Tuesday afternoon the wonderful boat repair man came - said yup, it's the started. He happened to have one at his shop and we were good as gold to ride the boat again! Joy and bliss!
The rest of the week went great! Oh - except for when Avery pulled the plastic handle off the jet ski lift and dropped it into the lake while David was adjusting the boat lift and I was giving Luke a jet ski ride. All we heard was Avery saying "uh-oh!"
It was still fun, and I loved it and I love the lake and being together with friends and family! Here are just a few pictures!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Gettin' outta this town
It's been a great and busy summer so far! And this coming week will be no exception! We are so blessed to be able to use David's aunt and uncles house at the lake for a week!
We leave this afternoon or early evening (hopefully sooner rather than later!) to head to the lake! I've got almost everything packed - but still a ton to do (I"m one of those that likes to leave a clean house so I don't have to clean it when I get home!) and am so excited about being together with my family for a whole week with little distractions other than the boat and Sea Doo!!!
So needless to say my postings may be few and far between (as they have been all summer!) but I'll be back soon!

We leave this afternoon or early evening (hopefully sooner rather than later!) to head to the lake! I've got almost everything packed - but still a ton to do (I"m one of those that likes to leave a clean house so I don't have to clean it when I get home!) and am so excited about being together with my family for a whole week with little distractions other than the boat and Sea Doo!!!
So needless to say my postings may be few and far between (as they have been all summer!) but I'll be back soon!
A few pictures from past trips:
Last years trip:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
God IS in control
The last couple of weeks have been challenging for some of those close to me. We've had several families encounter several big "things" in their lives!
One family: the husband was out on Saturday weed-eating his yard when the string broke off the weed-eater and hit him full speed in the eye. Needless to say this cause A TON of problems from bleeding into his eye, to loss of his sight in that eye to a possible cornea replacement. And all this the Saturday BEFORE he was supposed to start a new job driving truck (after being out of work for many, many months!)!!!
BUT - God was in control and this family sent out a call for pray and stood tall and strong - even though it was VERY hard - in the promise that God was in control of their lives and their situation. Miraculously this man's eye has healed way, way faster than the docs thought it would or could. Why? Cause God was in control and this family has given God ALL the glory for each step He's brought them. AND the trucking company told him to take some time and heal, and he'd still have his job! Praise the LORD!!!
Another family: After many choices some good, some bad - this young couple has been living on a shoe string financially for several years now. When they had a baby that added to that strain, but job changes made the outlook brighter. Then last week the husband lost his job. Not good. This added another financial strain to their lives.
BUT - they sent out a call for prayer. And pray the family of God did - and is - and they are gonna make it. The husband is doing a few interviews and it looks like he'll have a job very soon. Praise the Lord.
Yet ANOTHER family: wife and kids go away for the weekend while the husband stays home. Upon returning home the wife finds hubby covered in hives. This isn't the first time hubby's had an allergic reaction, but no one knows yet what he's allergic too, because you guessed it - like most men he doesn't wanna go to the doctor to have it looked into. So he takes some Benadryl and goes on with life. Then yesterday afternoon around lunch time this husband starts to feel really bad and goes to an urgent care place. They do x-rays and due to the chest pain and dizziness he's having and the spot they see on his lung they suspect he has a blood clot in his lung. So off for a CT scan.
BUT - you guessed it - they sent out a call for prayer and the family of God got right to work claiming the promise of healing in scripture for this man of God. And after completing the CT scan - the doc there sees NOTHING, that's right, not one thing on this mans lung. The CT doc tells them he doesn't know what the other folks at the urgent care saw, but there's nothing there and it must just be a continued allergic reaction.
I have a few more, but I'll stop with these three for the sake of time! *smile*
God doesn't always heal - or cause things to have a happy ending. I know that, and likely you know that too. We all know people who have come to God begging, pleading and asking to be healed, restored and made whole, but God has other plans for them. We don't always understand that do we? I know I don't and I've asked God about that several times. But I do know that God still does miracles (cause I've seen several the last couple of weeks!) and He's still in control, even when the outcome isn't what we hoped for. That's faith. We gotta hang with Him in the good and bad times, cause both are coming!
I've been reminded this week of the great hurt and fear and worry of those around me. And the need for me to daily be on my knees and praying for my family, and for those in my life. This is something God calls us to do, to stand in the gap and lift others up when they need it. And you know what, I know that when the time comes (and has come in the past) that those I love will stand in the gap for me too!
This passage is likely familiar to you, but I just love it and it's just what I need today! I hope it encourages you as well.
Psalm 61
1 Hear my cry, O God;
listen to my prayer.
2 From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
3 For you have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the foe.
4 I long to dwell in your tent forever
and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.
5 For you have heard my vows, O God;
you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.
6 Increase the days of the king's life,
his years for many generations.
7 May he be enthroned in God's presence forever;
appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.
8 Then will I ever sing praise to your name
and fulfill my vows day after day.
One family: the husband was out on Saturday weed-eating his yard when the string broke off the weed-eater and hit him full speed in the eye. Needless to say this cause A TON of problems from bleeding into his eye, to loss of his sight in that eye to a possible cornea replacement. And all this the Saturday BEFORE he was supposed to start a new job driving truck (after being out of work for many, many months!)!!!
BUT - God was in control and this family sent out a call for pray and stood tall and strong - even though it was VERY hard - in the promise that God was in control of their lives and their situation. Miraculously this man's eye has healed way, way faster than the docs thought it would or could. Why? Cause God was in control and this family has given God ALL the glory for each step He's brought them. AND the trucking company told him to take some time and heal, and he'd still have his job! Praise the LORD!!!
Another family: After many choices some good, some bad - this young couple has been living on a shoe string financially for several years now. When they had a baby that added to that strain, but job changes made the outlook brighter. Then last week the husband lost his job. Not good. This added another financial strain to their lives.
BUT - they sent out a call for prayer. And pray the family of God did - and is - and they are gonna make it. The husband is doing a few interviews and it looks like he'll have a job very soon. Praise the Lord.
Yet ANOTHER family: wife and kids go away for the weekend while the husband stays home. Upon returning home the wife finds hubby covered in hives. This isn't the first time hubby's had an allergic reaction, but no one knows yet what he's allergic too, because you guessed it - like most men he doesn't wanna go to the doctor to have it looked into. So he takes some Benadryl and goes on with life. Then yesterday afternoon around lunch time this husband starts to feel really bad and goes to an urgent care place. They do x-rays and due to the chest pain and dizziness he's having and the spot they see on his lung they suspect he has a blood clot in his lung. So off for a CT scan.
BUT - you guessed it - they sent out a call for prayer and the family of God got right to work claiming the promise of healing in scripture for this man of God. And after completing the CT scan - the doc there sees NOTHING, that's right, not one thing on this mans lung. The CT doc tells them he doesn't know what the other folks at the urgent care saw, but there's nothing there and it must just be a continued allergic reaction.
I have a few more, but I'll stop with these three for the sake of time! *smile*
God doesn't always heal - or cause things to have a happy ending. I know that, and likely you know that too. We all know people who have come to God begging, pleading and asking to be healed, restored and made whole, but God has other plans for them. We don't always understand that do we? I know I don't and I've asked God about that several times. But I do know that God still does miracles (cause I've seen several the last couple of weeks!) and He's still in control, even when the outcome isn't what we hoped for. That's faith. We gotta hang with Him in the good and bad times, cause both are coming!
I've been reminded this week of the great hurt and fear and worry of those around me. And the need for me to daily be on my knees and praying for my family, and for those in my life. This is something God calls us to do, to stand in the gap and lift others up when they need it. And you know what, I know that when the time comes (and has come in the past) that those I love will stand in the gap for me too!
This passage is likely familiar to you, but I just love it and it's just what I need today! I hope it encourages you as well.
Psalm 61
1 Hear my cry, O God;
listen to my prayer.
2 From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
3 For you have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the foe.
4 I long to dwell in your tent forever
and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.
5 For you have heard my vows, O God;
you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.
6 Increase the days of the king's life,
his years for many generations.
7 May he be enthroned in God's presence forever;
appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.
8 Then will I ever sing praise to your name
and fulfill my vows day after day.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Changing times
Yesterday we had a kindergarten meet and greet. Yes, that's right... a kindergarten function. The first of many, I know, but it was the first and it was fun/weird/familiar and unfamiliar all at the same time.
Since Luke got in at Greensboro Academy I have LOTS of good feelings and memories of that lovely school! So seeing the teachers - many of whom I'm good friends with - and the principal - who I worked for for several years - was like being at home. It felt somehow right. It also felt strange, because as one teacher (the one who took my place when I stopped teaching) pointed out - "Just yesterday you were out to here pregnant with him. And here he is today, ready to start kindergarten!"

That hit me like a ton of bricks! Time flies. It does. And as a mother - especially when my babies were little babies - time moved slower than molasses. It seemed like FOREVER before Luke started sleeping through the night (OK, that's a bad example cause he was like 4 before he started sleeping all night every night!) and doing things for himself. Then along came Avery and we stared all over with night feedings and no sleep and teething and all the stuff that goes with having a new baby!
And now we're starting big kid school!
And we need uniforms
And pencils
And glue sticks
And fat crayons
And kid scissors
And markers
And he's gonna learn all the new and important things about going to school!
And he's gonna be away from me for like 6 hours EACH and EVERY day!
I'm not ready for that!!
But I'm excited for him too. And I couldn't be happier that he's going to Greensboro Academy and that he's gonna have Mrs. Shaw for his teacher!
I am praying now - each time I think about it (which is pretty often!) - for Luke, his teacher, the other teachers at the school, and the other kids in his class. I'm praying that Luke would find a good, solid (well behaved) friend and that he would develop a love for learning and that each day of kindergarten would be on more stone in his solid foundation of learning.
He's my little man, and I'm gonna miss him, but I also know I'm gonna be SO PROUD of him as he starts this new journey in his life.

I'd appreciate you joining me in praying for him! Thanks!
Since Luke got in at Greensboro Academy I have LOTS of good feelings and memories of that lovely school! So seeing the teachers - many of whom I'm good friends with - and the principal - who I worked for for several years - was like being at home. It felt somehow right. It also felt strange, because as one teacher (the one who took my place when I stopped teaching) pointed out - "Just yesterday you were out to here pregnant with him. And here he is today, ready to start kindergarten!"
Luke when he was just a few days old
That hit me like a ton of bricks! Time flies. It does. And as a mother - especially when my babies were little babies - time moved slower than molasses. It seemed like FOREVER before Luke started sleeping through the night (OK, that's a bad example cause he was like 4 before he started sleeping all night every night!) and doing things for himself. Then along came Avery and we stared all over with night feedings and no sleep and teething and all the stuff that goes with having a new baby!
And now we're starting big kid school!
And we need uniforms
And pencils
And glue sticks
And fat crayons
And kid scissors
And markers
And he's gonna learn all the new and important things about going to school!
And he's gonna be away from me for like 6 hours EACH and EVERY day!
I'm not ready for that!!
But I'm excited for him too. And I couldn't be happier that he's going to Greensboro Academy and that he's gonna have Mrs. Shaw for his teacher!
I am praying now - each time I think about it (which is pretty often!) - for Luke, his teacher, the other teachers at the school, and the other kids in his class. I'm praying that Luke would find a good, solid (well behaved) friend and that he would develop a love for learning and that each day of kindergarten would be on more stone in his solid foundation of learning.
He's my little man, and I'm gonna miss him, but I also know I'm gonna be SO PROUD of him as he starts this new journey in his life.
My big guy just the other day!
I'd appreciate you joining me in praying for him! Thanks!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Father's Day
I realize Father's Day was like a whole month ago - I told you I was behind on postings so today is the Father's Day pictures post!
We were blessed enough to have dinner with Papa and Grand Pawpaw Bob. These holidays are hard, since my folks are far away. But just cause we weren't together, doesn't mean we didn't think about Grandpoppy and miss him tons!

We were blessed enough to have dinner with Papa and Grand Pawpaw Bob. These holidays are hard, since my folks are far away. But just cause we weren't together, doesn't mean we didn't think about Grandpoppy and miss him tons!
David wearing the tie Luke made for him at church!
Pawpaw Bob and Luke
Monday, July 12, 2010
One day I will (or will again):
- Sleep in on Saturday
- Make it through the day without repeating “don’t touch each other anymore!” one million times!
- Get another tattoo
- Eat dinner later in the evening
- Be able to go out without worrying about getting a babysitter!
- Start my own business
- Be able to have ALL the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away in one day
- Read a book – in a reasonable amount of time.
- Carry on one whole conversation without interruption.
- Not get the theme song to Chuggington stuck in my head!
- Scrapbook
- Get regular pedicures/manicures
I love my kids! I really do, they are great and I’m so blessed. Some days I don’t want them to get one day older. Other days I - just do.
Today I'm going to enjoy them... all their little personalities and ups and downs. I'm gonna thank God for them and pray for understanding in dealing with them! I'm gonna give them lots of hugs and kisses (cause they act like they don't like that and I like to torture them!) and really try to make the most of our time together! Cause one day I'll have the time to do the list above!
- Sleep in on Saturday
- Make it through the day without repeating “don’t touch each other anymore!” one million times!
- Get another tattoo
- Eat dinner later in the evening
- Be able to go out without worrying about getting a babysitter!
- Start my own business
- Be able to have ALL the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away in one day
- Read a book – in a reasonable amount of time.
- Carry on one whole conversation without interruption.
- Not get the theme song to Chuggington stuck in my head!
- Scrapbook
- Get regular pedicures/manicures
I love my kids! I really do, they are great and I’m so blessed. Some days I don’t want them to get one day older. Other days I - just do.
Today I'm going to enjoy them... all their little personalities and ups and downs. I'm gonna thank God for them and pray for understanding in dealing with them! I'm gonna give them lots of hugs and kisses (cause they act like they don't like that and I like to torture them!) and really try to make the most of our time together! Cause one day I'll have the time to do the list above!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Some fun times
I'm really, really behind with my blogging. Sorry. I'll try to get caught up.
We've been having some good times around here. but just like every other family who is out of school for the summer, we've had some "long" days around here too. Overall, it's been fun!
Here's a few things we've been doing:
I got out the play-dough - not the best idea from a clean up stand point, but the kids had fun.

And here is Avery trying to help clean up. You see that water she's standing in? And the hand towel she's holding? Yup, she thought she would help by soaking the hand towel in the water and then bringing it to the kitchen to "help" clean up. OH BOY! Needless to say, the bathroom isn't right next to the kitchen and you wouldn't have had any trouble finding your way to the bathroom with the trail of water she left!

We also tried this craft that I found on a link from my cousin's blog. They are called wacky balls, or something. This wasn't a very successful craft. The kids did it, but it wasn't a big hit, and at the end your supposed to add eyes and "hair" to the stuffed balloons. Neither of the kids were interested in doing that. They were just done!

But this is by far our favorite thing to do in the summer...

I do so love summer time!!!
We've been having some good times around here. but just like every other family who is out of school for the summer, we've had some "long" days around here too. Overall, it's been fun!
Here's a few things we've been doing:
I got out the play-dough - not the best idea from a clean up stand point, but the kids had fun.
And here is Avery trying to help clean up. You see that water she's standing in? And the hand towel she's holding? Yup, she thought she would help by soaking the hand towel in the water and then bringing it to the kitchen to "help" clean up. OH BOY! Needless to say, the bathroom isn't right next to the kitchen and you wouldn't have had any trouble finding your way to the bathroom with the trail of water she left!
We also tried this craft that I found on a link from my cousin's blog. They are called wacky balls, or something. This wasn't a very successful craft. The kids did it, but it wasn't a big hit, and at the end your supposed to add eyes and "hair" to the stuffed balloons. Neither of the kids were interested in doing that. They were just done!
The things we started with
But this is by far our favorite thing to do in the summer...
Off to the pool!
I do so love summer time!!!
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