Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Bright Morning

Have you ever awakened early on a Saturday morning (so everyone with kids is like, duh, yes! And those of you without kids are thinking, people get up early on Saturday morning?) with high hopes? Not for any particular reason, just that's how you woke up that morning?

Well, I didn't especially wake up feeling that way (since honestly it's hard to feel like that at 4:30AM when I'm up with my little one), but when I opened the back door to let Jane out the sun was just starting to cast it's first light on the trees out back.

It did something good to my soul. It was like the first faint smile from someone you love. I felt like God was saying, "Good Morning my child! I hope you have a good day!"

I was thankful for that this morning!

I don't like winter. I've never been shy about saying that I don't like winter. So the bright beautiful sunshine was a warming gesture for me.

In those few moments before I closed the door on the cold, I was filled with the hope of a new, bright day!

I know this is a beach picture, but I didn't have any from my back yard!

This has been an interesting week for us (and every other person in the world, right?! There's been a few low moments this week - one week ago this morning there was puking at our house, which was followed by several days with a fever and missed school (thankfully all are well now, and Luke was the only one who seemed to suffer!), as well as some other "daily" life things - but there have been some very high points as well! It looks like we'll be able to make some really wonderful adjustments in our monthly budget by refinancing, that was an answer to prayer!

So as we start our first "do no work day" (that's what Luke calls the weekend!), I'm so thankful for all the blessings I have been given. I'm looking forward to spending the day with my wonderful husband and kids (even if they don't sleep past 4:30AM!) and the time I'll have with family at a baby shower today.

It's gonna be a good day! And there might even be some naps thrown in there today!

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