Normally I'd watch TV while ironing, but since the TV isn't working, I didn't watch any. Luke did go play on the computer so that left Avery and I to play/work together! What a fun time we had too!!!
As it turns out, Avery has a great imagination! For about an hour and a half while I ironed Avery pretended.
What did she pretend you may ask?
She pretended that she was going camping. So she put her sleeping bag (which fits nicely into this cute backpack thingy) on and started gathering a few "needed" items such as her brothers flashlight and some sunglasses. And "off she went"! While walking in the "Cinderella woods" she told me she was going to look for animals, so we pretended to look for all sorts of forest animals such as...
a Cinderella squirrel...
a Cinderella turtle...
a Cinderella frog...
a Cinderella bunny...
a Cinderella bird...
a Cinderella deer...
and can you guess what else??
Cinderella herself! 5 Cinderella's to be exact!
And who can guess what color all the animals where?
Yup - PINK!!!!!!!!
I think I told you the other day that most things in Avery's world these days revolve around princess stuff! See what I mean?!?!
So then she wanted to ride on her "train", which is the 2 chairs from her little table set that she got for Christmas moved into a line, and she invited me to join. Well, unfortunately there was still ironing to do, so I had to take a rain check. But she go on board and rode the train to the pool.
But before she got too far, she had to stop and fix the tires.
But then it was "ALL ABOARD" and off she went!
Upon arrival at the pool (which co-in sided with putting the newly pressed clothing away) we shared some (and by some, I mean about 20) SpongeBob Popsicle's (cause that's what they sell at the real pool!)! And then it was back on the train for the ride home.
I just love that she is developing so much of her own strong personality. She's always had a strong will - pray about that ALL THE TIME!! But it's so fun to see her personality coming out and her having such a good time! I loved that time she and I got to spend together! I was thankful the TV was broken!!
When Luke goes to school in the fall, you will have lots of time alone with her just like you did when Luke was little. I bet you guys will have some wonderful girlie adventures together.
Yes Dawn you are right, we'll have some wonderful times together I'm sure!
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