But there are other kinds of changes that are good. Meeting new people, making new friends, loosing weight, getting married, having a baby - all those are fun and exciting changes! Changes most of us look forward to. And it looks like I'll be embarking on a change that could be really good, fun even!
Through what started off as an off handed comment - it looks like I'll be doing some cooking for some folks other than my family. Well, they are family - on David's side - so family, but not people who live in my house!
Since we haven't started yet I'm not sure exactly how it's going to work, but the basic premise is that since David and I are eating healthier meals - and loosing weight, they would like to eat healthier also. So I'll do my weekly menu plan, we'll work out with meals and what nights they would like to "eat off my menu", I'll cook it, she'll pick it up and we'll all have our dinner!
Now David's Aunt is a Southern born and raised lady, and she can cook up a really yummy and wonderful meal (of which I've eaten several!!!), but she said she isn't interested in learning or trying to cook differently than good ol' yummy Southern cooking. That's where I come in. I've already made the adjustment to cooking healthy meals. Since I'm already doing it, it works for them to eat what I make instead of going out all the time. And it's a neat opportunity for me to try something new doing something I already like to do! I love to cook, and since my family seems to need to eat each night, I can easily make enough for two more people.

I'm really super excited! Right now I'm not concerned with making any money (they have offered to pay me, after all they've said they pay when they go out to eat). Who cares about that?!?!? (I know, money is needed for living, but God has blessed us enough that I can stay home with the kids, and I don't NEED the money right now.) But I'm excited about the possibility of doing something new with something I already do daily!
It should prove to be an excellent new adventure! We've agreed to try it on a short term trial basis, and if it's not working for either of us - for any reason - we're done - no hard feelings!
I'm really excited (have I mentioned that?!?!)! And who knows, maybe others out there will find they need someone to cook for them and before you know it, I'll be the hottest personal chef in the Triad! Who knows?!?!
*laughing hysterically*
I mean I'm no Chef Mario Batali

Or Rachel Ray

but I can cook an eatable meal!
I'll be sure to keep you all updated on how things go with my new adventure! We won't be starting until sometime next week, so stay tuned for an update!
1 comment:
Love it!!! Hope it works out for all parties involved! They're lucky folks to have you preparing meals for them!!!!
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