I want you all to know that I’m trying desperately – to be happy about our NC weather! I will say no more on this topic – except to say – I wish our cruise to the Mexican Riviera was today!
Moving on.
My Bible study group started a new Bible study about 3 weeks ago. We’re doing the newest Beth Moore study. It’s on Revelation. And it’s been awesome!!!! We had our 3rd session last night and let me tell you my brain hurt when we were done from all the information she gave us in the video session. But it was awesome and I think I’m going to learn so much more than I already have!
The book of Revelation can be a bit intimidating and scary for some. But so far (and in true Beth Moore style – we’re only 3 chapters in!) I love it, and it’s not been as complicated (yet) as I thought. It’s caused me to really use my brain, but it’s nothing I just cannot understand (like most mathematical concepts!) and that right there is part of the whole beauty of the Word. If you want to understand – then God will show you, He’ll reveal himself. And right now He’s showing me the simple coolness of the Word. I’m seeing how the OT and the NT all come together and how so many times over and over again God’s Word says the same thing in different ways – and I believe – just so we’re all sure to “get it.”
I was raised in a godly home, and was exposed to many, many parts of the Bible- and for that I’m so grateful! But I’ve never really been “a learner” – until a few years ago. Recently I’ve spent a lot more time in the actual Word - learning and reading and studying. Now, I’m not calming to be some great scholar or anything, but I feel like I know more about the Bible now than I ever have. In recent months I’ve read more books of the Bible (just read them right through) than I have ever before in my life and it’s so neat to be familiar with a passage in, say Ezekiel, when it’s referenced in Revelation. To me that’s exciting and I’m just loving it!
Hopefully as we go, I’ll be able to do more updating on what I’m learning. Right now it’s a bit much for me to be able to put in words that are understandable enough for a post! I would however encourage you to pick up a Bible and just read. Start in the book of John in the New Testament or Proverbs in the Old Testament and see what God has for you in His Word!
1 comment:
warm greeting for your lovely family 0_0
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