Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Childhood Song

Somewhere along the way we seem to have entered a new stage in our family life. I’ve been calling it simply “chaos!” Things have just been total chaos around here as of late. There will be more on that in another post, but since today is Tuesday and since I’m linking up over at Chatting at the Sky, I’ll move onto the part of life that I’ve had the opportunity to unwrap.

My youngest little one is looking at her 2nd birthday. Hard to believe she’ll be 2 in just a few short weeks. But Avery is what we like to call around here the “persistent one”, or sometimes “a handful” or sometimes “I’ve never known a child that could wear a person out like that!” Anyway you choose to describe her never - give – up nature she has provided me with some really wonderful times of simple reflection and praise.

The last several nights Avery has asked me to sing to her before putting her to bed. Poor thing really, if you’ve ever heard me sing, you know that the saying that kids don’t care what you’re voice sounds like, just so long as you do it is SO TRUE! Anyway, she’s started asking me to sing… and she wants me to sing “Bible tell me so” which is her way of asking for Jesus Loves Me. This has always been that one song that calms her down when she’s really upset and if my singing it didn’t work then it was a 100% guarantee that her brothers version does!

With her increased vocabulary and speaking skills, she’s taken to randomly singing parts of the song while she’s playing or when we’re in the car or whenever the mood hits! So at night, after we read, pray and she drinks her milk she wants me to sing.

There is nothing like holding a warm little one in the rocking chair all snuggled up and singing the simple words to a beloved childhood song. The setting itself forces me to think in depth about the words, which aren’t complicated at all, but it has reminded me of the simple truth of those words: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. There it is… you see it… the simple thing that I have unwrapped?

Jesus loves me… and I know it because the Bible tells me so!!! And if I forget, or feel down, or wonder where Jesus is or how I’m gonna make it through this day… I can just remember that Jesus loves me and if I need more help than that, I’ve got the Word to go to in order to find His promises of His love for me!

Lamentations 3: 21 – 24

21 Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."


||| laura frantz ||| said...

Lovely post, thank you for sharing it with us. :)

Especially Heather said...

Yes, Jesus loves me! And I am so glad that He does! Precious post.

Alyssa said...

Thank you for sharing this with me. I needed to hear it!

Unknown said...

Man, Holly, what a great post!!! As I read, I could just picture you and Avery together singing and hugging. It made me think of what I wouldn't give to be singing to my little Rylynn. Hope you make some memories during these days that will last a lifetime. I promise you that Avery will never forget...

Dawn Riffell said...

Powerful message Holly. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

All are precious in His sight. Beautiful post.

Nan said...

We have always sung that to the boys, and still do too!

Holly said...

Thank you Ladies, for reading! It's nice to have you!

George - I know that must be so very hard on you and MG to not be able to run over and kiss and love that wonderful baby girl!!!! My parents feel the same way as they are down in GA... I try to be thankful for the still quiet moments with Avery!