Friday, September 26, 2008

The Armor - The Breastplate of Righteousness

What is righteousness? It’s a big word for sure, and when going through Ephesians 6 Carla made sure we had a good handle on what righteousness is - a simple definition -“morally upright; without guilt or sin.” The way she explained it so that it could be applied to everyday life was – it’s “having a right relationship with God.” WOW – isn’t that what it’s all about?!? Living right, doing right, and being right – not as important as having a right relationship with God.

How do you become righteous? I mean the definition says being without guilt or sin – I know the Bible tells me that I cannot be perfect – and try and I may I know I cannot be without sin! Based on Romans 3:21-22 there is nothing we can do to make ourselves righteous (that makes me feel better) the word says that “we are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.” It’s His free gift to us – we get it when we “get” Jesus in our hearts! That’s an amazing gift, isn’t it?

We get a free gift of righteousness, but hen there is an ongoing righteousness – this is the one that I believe is most talked about in Christian circles. This righteousness is the work that the Holy Spirit does in me on a daily basis in order to draw me closer to God, to make us more like him (2 Corinthians 3:18). Carla pointed out that our righteousness is evident in what we say, what we do, and in our relationships with others. I’m so glad that God loved me enough to send the Holy Spirit to help me with this! We have the Holy Spirit to help us along the way. It takes a daily commitment to Christ and giving up my will in order to become more and more like Christ!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not sure there can be on-going righteousness! You may be working by the power of the Holy Spirit to get better, but in reality God sees you as your best. It appears you are doing it daily and you probably are. Chronos and Karos just don't mix. You cannot put God in Chronos. So see with understanding that you are in right standing with God. And the Holy Spirit confirms this in John Chap 16.
