Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another pair of eyes

Don’t you hate it when you cannot find something you desperately need! Well that’s my situation – I’ve lost the battery charger for one of my cameras. We have 2 cameras – one is broken and now I’ve lost the charger for the other one!! What am I going to do?!?! We’re leaving for the beach on Sunday and the battery is dead!!! I’ve looked everywhere and I cannot find it!

I’m gonna need a new pair of eyes… I’m thinking that I’m looking too hard and it has to be there, I just cannot see it! I really need that charger - there will be many picture opportunities with the grandparents and I don't want to miss them!

Hopefully David will look around and be able to find it - since I'm not having much luck!!


Luke, Avery, Monroe's Nanny said...

The Lord knows where you've put it. Ask Him?

Holly said...

yes, praying in earnest that the Lord would show it to me!!! You pray too, OK?!?!

Luke, Avery, Monroe's Nanny said...