This weekend is the Wendover Hill’s Wesleyan Church’s ladies retreat and I’m not there, I’m at home, and honestly and surprisingly I’ve had several “moments” due to the fact that I’m not there.
Now, if you go to WHWC and you’re reading – please know I love you with all my heart and pray for and wish the best for you and the church – this is simply my feelings on the matter and since this is my blog, I’ll be sharing my feelings!
I didn’t expect to feel anything about the retreat. And until Thursday afternoon I didn’t. For the last several years I’ve been on the planning committee for the retreat. And even back to September ’04 I lead a “break-out” session on prayer during the retreat. So it’s been many years since I didn’t have some part in the retreat whether it was as an attendee, a planner, or a teacher.
After thinking about it some here’s what I’ve decided is the cause of the “moments” I’ve been having - other than our old pastor and his wife (who up and moved to Florida!), all the people we were very close with at our old church - we are still very close with. My girlfriends I see weekly, and since I’m still part of Bible Study I get to see all those ladies as well. We have had dinner with, been to cook-outs with, and even birthday parties for our friends and their kids. Don’t get me wrong, we’re making new friends at our new church as well. But since my closest friends still go to WHWC we’ve had continual contact with our old church family.
But this weekend is different. The ladies are all together, on a trip I didn’t plan, without me, and I’m sad about that. Really sad actually. Until now there weren’t too many hard parts of changing churches. Of course it was weird and there are some folks who I wish we saw more than we have since we left. But the move felt so right and I still know it was the right thing for our family – it’s just that this weekend I’m feeling what I think could be classified as growing pains.
With change sometimes comes some aches and pains, and I’m experiencing some of those this weekend. It’s weird for me to think about all the fun things I know the girls are doing while they are away, and part of me wishes I was there also. But I know they are having fun and getting the break and spiritual revitalization they need… just miss being there with them!
Sometimes the changes that life brings about are painful and bittersweet. I hope you're feeling a little better now.
I love you!
I know what you mean, Holly. And I resent the word "old..." :)
Love and miss you.
George -
I am so sorry about the "old" thing.... I didn't mean you were old - because you ARE NOT!! You are my previous pastor! Is that better??
Miss you tons and love you too!
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